Family History 4 AllLearn how to trace YOUR family tree.Newsletter No.18 - April 2008.
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1. Our welcome message. 2. Featured Article – What Property Records Can Tell You about Your Family's Past - Paul Duxbury and Kevin Cook 3. Latest
news from
4. Next month’s article.
1. Hi all, One of the earliest forms of public transport after the horse and horse drawn vehicles was the tram. In fact the earliest tram was indeed horse drawn!. Last week I visited one of Derbyshire's prettiest villages called Crich (pronounced crych). Crich just happens to be the home of: The National Tramway Museum. I went along with a friend 'Bill', a fellow family historian. You may remember me talking about 'Putting flesh on the bones of our ancestors. Well, some of mine and quite possibly some of YOURS could have been tramway workers. So where better to find out how their days were spent? It was a wonderful day full of surprises and revelations and I was able to ride on some of the same trams that my ancestors worked and travelled on! If you would like to know more about this fantastic museum, take a look at their website: http://www.tramway.co.uk/ As a matter of interest, I took lots of photographs whilst I was there. If you are interested, take a look here: http://busphotosondisc.com You will be able to purchase a double CD of HIGH RESOLUTION photos and as a bonus to subscribers of this newsletter only, I will include a disc of 'Blackpool Trams' and more FREE! The double CD contains over 250 photos from Crich and is great value at only £4.99. If you do purchase the double CD, simply email me here or use the contact seller facility alongside the item description and quote CODE FH4ALL and I will include the bonus CD. Enjoy. Hey, before I forget, whilst you are here, please sign the Guestbook and say Hi. We have a very good article this month. I'm sure you'll be delighted with it, it's all about - What Property Records Can Tell You about Your Family's Past by Paul Duxbury and Kevin Cook I was talking to a friend the other day (who happens
to be 'into' family history in a big way) and he said to me "Why do
you subscribe to www.Ancestry.co.uk
Take my word for it, a subscription WILL save you money
and WILL save you time and here's the best part! There is no possible way
that you could find as much information as you will find on www.Ancestry.co.uk
That's enough from me - enjoy your newsletter. You will find lots of suitable Family History/Genealogy gifts here: Visit our store now.* 2.What Property Records Can Tell You about Your Family's PastBy: Paul Duxbury and Kevin Cook Property records can tell you a lot about
your family's past. Real estate leaves a paper trail. Deeds, wills, deeds
of trust, property transfer agreements, mortgages, homestead records, land
grants, all can go a long ways towards helping you trace the path that
your ancestors took to reach the area where you grew up. Article Source: http://www.familyhistoryarticles.com About the Authors Paul Duxbury and Kevin Cook own www.amateur-genealogist.com and www.our-family-trees.co.uk two of the leading Genealogy Websites. In addition Paul owns a wide range of exciting websites which can be viewed at www.our-family-trees.co.uk 3.
Latest news from
We've added to our Slave Registers of former British Colonial Dependencies, 1812-1834 collection to create the definitive collection of slave registers from the British Empire between these years. The full collection now contains more than 650,000 slave names, as well as a little over 7,000 slave owners. Information available includes the name of the slave owner and their parish of residence, as well as the name, gender, age and nationality of the slave - giving you a unique insight into colonial life and the terrible practice of slavery. We're proud to be the first company to sponsor the famous Warwick Castle in its rich history of over 1,000 years. To celebrate, we'll be digging deep into the history of the castle and its inhabitants - and you can be sure to read all about it here. Watch out for more news on this in the future. Warwick Castle is a great day out for all with plenty to see and do - experience battles and ghosts, watch unbelievable jousting and falconry displays, see the world's largest siege machine the Trebuchet, and explore the lavish castle and beautiful gardens. Plus you can find out more about the history of Warwick Castle, its inhabitants and guests. This months featured Ancestry member - Jonquil Hole Jonquil had been researching her family history for many years, but hit a brick wall until she joined Ancestry.co.uk. Using Ancestry's key word searches, she was able to find evidence of her Great Great Grandfather - Sidney. After much painstaking research, Jonquil pieced together that he and his partner had never married - a fascinating piece of family history that many other Ancestry members have discovered. Even better, Jonquil was then able to trace her family tree back four more generations to the 17th Century. Good work Jonquil. 4. Next Months Featured Article: Why Double or Triple Checking Facts is Important in Ancestral Investigations By: Paul Duxbury and Kevin Cook * * * Got your own site? I started using this a few weeks ago and it really works: http://www.freewebtraffic.co.uk/ * * * That’s all for this month folks…I hope you enjoyed this months newsletter. And in case you forgot earlier - Please sign the Guestbook. See you next month. Jim. Editor PS. Please forward this newsletter to your friends/relatives, if they are interested in family history, with our compliments. If this newsletter was forwarded from a friend/relative and you would like your own copy, you can sign up here: http://familyhistory4all.co.uk/newsletter.htm To send us a comment or an article you can us here Jim Ackroyd. Address: 12 Avondale Road. Doncaster. UK. DN2 6DE Take a look at our other web sites here: http://jamesackroyd.com P.S. I hope you are not offended by the advertisements on this site. I get a small commission from some of them which helps towards the cost of my hosting and domain fees. Sometimes I make a little extra. In fact I've worked out that if the 'little extra' grows at around the same rate, I should be able to retire when I'm 129 years old :-) |