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Family History 4 All

 Learn how to trace YOUR family tree.

Newsletter No.13 – October 2007.

1. Our welcome message.

2. Featured Article – The Hokey Pokey Man! - Find out more about your ancestors day-to-day lives.

3. Help wanted - Need any help? - Carol does. See her enquiry

4. Latest news from www.Ancestry.co.uk

5. Next month’s article.

1. Hi all,

Sorry we are late this month. It's been hectic since the last newsletter. We took a week off to do some research in Liverpool, staying with a friend on the Wirral. We also went to the Family History fair at Aintree (30th September). Then my son paid a flying visit from Australia! My daughter and her family came to stay for a few days and Carols brother and family have just gone home to Pangbourne after ending their tour of the north with a few days at our place.

To top it off we are now in the middle of having a new central heating system installed, to be followed by new windows and a set of French doors. I'm pooped !!

A big thank you to all that replied to our satisfaction survey. The lowest score was 6/10 and the highest was 10/10 and the average score after adding all the replies was a whopping 8/10 !! Thanks again.

That's enough from me - enjoy your newsletter.

You have received this newsletter by subscribing from this or one of our 'sister' sites. Or it has been forwarded from a friend/relative etc. If it's the latter and you would like your own subscription, then please click here: Free Newsletter. Unsubscribe info can also be found on this page. Here's the link to our archives: archive.htm

I hope this message finds you all in good health. If you have an article or amusing story to share with us then please don’t be afraid to send it for publication…you can remain anonymous if you prefer but we want you all to feel you can contribute if you want to. Just send an with the words ‘Newsletter item’ in the subject box. And we will include it at the first opportunity, subject to editing, if necessary of course.

Christmas is just around the corner and you will find lots of suitable Family History/Genealogy gifts here: Visit our store now.*

2. The Hokey Pokey Man! - Find out more about your ancestors day-to-day lives.

Rather than simply collecting a list of names from the past, why not find out what life was actually like for your ancestors before 'Macky D's' and supermarkets!

By finding this information you will enhance your research to such an extent that you will almost feel closer to your ancestors.

The 'Hokey Pokey Man'? - Children at the turn of the 20th century enjoyed ice-cream just as much as they do today! It was known as Hokey Pokey and was sold by street vendors using barrows full of 'dry ice' to keep the fruit flavoured ice water at it's best. The vendors were often of Italian origin, so if you have an Italian sounding name, it could be worth looking into whether your ancestors were ice cream vendors.

The Internet is a vast resource especially for family history researchers. Use it to find out how your ancestors lived.

Check the various census returns to find the occupations of your ancestors. They are all available from: www.Ancestry.co.uk . Then use your favourite search engine to find out more about their work.

We've included many links within this article to help you on your way to 'Putting Flesh On The Bones' of your ancestors.

WWII ‘United News’ Newsreels, 1942-1946 Released on Ancestry.co.uk

The following extracts are reproduced here by kind permission from: The Victorian Web - http://www.victorianweb.org/

" One of the most remarkable characteristics [of Victorian working-class autobiographies] is the uncomplaining acceptance of conditions of life and work which to the modern reader seem brutal, degrading and almost unimaginable — of near-poverty and, sometimes, extreme poverty, of over-crowded and inadequate housing accommodation, of bad working conditions, periodic unemployment and generally restricted opportunities, and of the high incidence of disease, disablement and death. Yet most of those who experienced such conditions are not, in their writings at least, consciously discontented, let alone in a state of revolt. There is a sense of patient resignation to the facts of life, the feeling that human existence is a struggle and that survival is an end in itself. Especially is this so in relation to the early death of wives or children — a fatalistic attitude that 'God gives and God takes away', and that although one may mourn, one does not inveigh against the Fates which, to us, seem to have treated some so cruelly. Such resignation was, in part, the product of a long history of deprivation and suffering by which, for generations past, working people had been accustomed to poverty, personal tragedy and limited expectations; for some it was reinforced by the religious teaching that this world was, in any case, a vale of tears, and that happiness could only be expected in the life to come. These attitudes are true of the great majority, though not of all. In a few who are politically motivated or involved in trade union activities . . . the resentment against misery and exploitation is open and expressed, and it is noticeable that a more critical tone develops over time.

The picture which emerges from these writings is of men and women who are materially very poor by contemporary standards, who are uncomplaining in their poverty, who lead lives of hard work but rarely expect to find fulfilment from it, and for whom the family, interpersonal relationships, and relationship with God are centrally important. Their intellectual and cultural horizons are strictly limited: very few concern themselves with national events or politics, even with local trade union or labour movements; they are uninterested in material acquisition or achievement as such; they are not socially mobile and barely conscious of class beyond a recognition that the 'masters' constitute a different order of society into which they will never penetrate. Their aspirations are modest to be respected by their fellows, to see their families growing up and making their way in the world, to die without debt and without sin. Such happiness and satisfactions as life has to offer are to be found in social contacts within groups — the family, the work-group, the chapel or, for a few, the public house; here meaningful relationships can be made, experiences exchanged, joys and sorrows shared."

" That the shameful practice of child labour should have played an important role in the Industrial Revolution from its outset is not to be wondered at. The displaced working classes, from the seventeenth century on, took it for granted that a family would not be able to support itself if the children were not employed. In Defoe's day he thought it admirable that in the vicinity of Halifax scarcely anybody above the age of 4 was idle. The children of the poor were forced by economic conditions to work, as Dickens, with his family in debtor's prison, worked at age 12 in the Blacking Factory. In 1840 perhaps only twenty percent of the children of London had any schooling, a number which had risen by 1860, when perhaps half of the children between 5 and 15 were in some sort of school, if only a day school (of the sort in which Dickens's Pip finds himself in Great Expectations) or a Sunday school; the others were working. Many of the more fortunate found employment as apprentices to respectable trades (in the building trade workers put in 64 hours a week in summer and 52 in winter) or as general servants — there were over 120,000 domestic servants in London alone at mid-century, who worked 80 hour weeks for one halfpence per hour — but many more were not so lucky. Most prostitutes (and there were thousands in London alone) were between 15 and 22 years of age.

Many children worked 16 hour days under atrocious conditions, as their elders did. Ineffective parliamentary acts to regulate the work of workhouse children in factories and cotton mills to 12 hours per day had been passed as early as 1802 and 1819. After radical agitation, notably in 1831, when "Short Time Committees" organized largely by Evangelicals began to demand a ten hour day, a royal commission established by the Whig government recommended in 1833 that children aged 11-18 be permitted to work a maximum of twelve hours per day; children 9-11 were allowed to work 8 hour days; and children under 9 were no longer permitted to work at all (children as young as 3 had been put to work previously). This act applied only to the textile industry, where children were put to work at the age of 5, and not to a host of other industries and occupations. Iron and coal mines (where children, again, both boys and girls, began work at age 5, and generally died before they were 25), gas works, shipyards, construction, match factories, nail factories, and the business of chimney sweeping, for example (which Blake would use as an emblem of the destruction of the innocent), where the exploitation of child labour was more extensive, was to be enforced in all of England by a total of four inspectors. After further radical agitation, another act in 1847 limited both adults and children to ten hours of work daily."

The above extracts are reproduced here by kind permission from: The Victorian Web - read more...http://www.victorianweb.org/

Send us some feedback and let us know if you enjoyed this months article. You can email us or add your comments in our Guestbook

3. Help wanted - Need any help? If you have a brick wall, send us the details, if we can help we will! and if we can't I'm sure we have a reader who can. Send those requests now!

"A mother with her six-month-old child and sickly husband then approached Timmis for help, as if his very bulk could reassure them.  Timmis thought that they were third class passengers, but they might have been the Chantry family from second cabin.  Timmis advised the woman to strap the baby in front of her and began assistance.  Her husband, suffering from tuberculosis then asked worriedly, "Do you think they will live, sir?" more...http://www.johnsonancestry.co.uk/lusitania.htm

Carol Johnson - nee Todd - writes: I'm looking for information from anyone who may know more about Mina and Harold Chantry and their daughter Elizabeth aged 6 months who died whilst travelling back from Canada aboard the Lusitania, which was torpedoed just off the Irish coast in May 1915.

You can read more about this on Carol's site: http://www.johnsonancestry.co.uk/lusitania.htm You can contact Carol via her own online links or we will forward your message to her on your behalf. To contact us (Click here)

4. Latest news from www.Ancestry.co.uk


DNA database designed and dedicated to advancing family history research

 Ancestry.co.uk, a member of Ancestry’s global network of family history websites, today launched its DNA service, which combines the precision of DNA testing with the depth of Ancestry’s unrivalled historical record collection and broad reach of its online global family history community.

Ancestry’s 15 million users* can now have their DNA tested and the results included in a new database, which matches them with the results of other Ancestry users to identify ‘new’ living genetic cousins, conclusively verify that a relationship exists, find new leads where potential paper trails end, and even learn about their distant ancestors’ ethnic origins.
Ancestry.co.uk Managing Director Simon Harper comments: “The combination of our huge online family history community engaging with each other and our millions of historical records, but now also with DNA, represents one of the most exciting and significant developments in family history research since the advent of the Internet.

“DNA will not tell us how we are related, only if, and within a certain number of generations, which for anyone with an interest in family history poses an exciting challenge to discover exactly how they are related to living relatives they may never otherwise have known existed.”

To develop this database, Ancestry has partnered with Sorenson Genomics, the world’s first laboratory accredited for genetic genealogy testing and a pioneer in the field of genetic genealogy. Users can order their DNA kits on Ancestry.co.uk and only a simple mouth swab is required for them to begin their global search. After Sorenson Genomics has tested the DNA sample, Ancestry will securely email the results back to users and also place them anonymously in its restricted access** DNA database for matching.

The two tests most useful in researching family history will be available - Y-DNA and mtDNA:

 Paternal lineage test - a Y-chromosome test that analyses the Y-DNA passed virtually unchanged between father and son. This test confirms a shared ancestor in past generations, estimates the generation span of relatedness, and predicts ancient origins.

Maternal lineage test – a mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) test that analyses the mtDNA passed from mother to child. This test also predicts ancient origins.

 A more comprehensive Y-chromosome test, the Advanced paternal lineage test, will also be available, allowing users to more closely match and compare results to establish the span of generations in which their shared ancestor lived.

Ancestry’s Chief Family Historian and co-author of the No.1 selling book on genetic genealogy, Tracing your roots with DNA, Megan Smolenyak comments: “DNA testing in family history is reaching a critical mass. As more people add their results, Ancestry’s DNA database will become a powerful asset for users to make connections and discover their family tree.”

Simon Harper continues: “We polled our users to gauge their willingness to incorporate DNA into their family history research and a staggering 91 per cent were in favour. Given the sheer size of Ancestry’s online family history community, the potential of DNA to help our users discover new relatives and learn more about their family’s history is enormous.”

Where paper records can go missing, be damaged or tainted by human error, DNA moves beyond traditional methods of family history research, providing conclusive evidence of a relationship. It also provides a snapshot back 60,000 years to the early origins and migration patterns of our ancestors.

In the coming months, Ancestry.co.uk users will be able to add DNA results into their family trees along with existing research, photographs and stories, and also create and join DNA Groups - organized social networks that let users work together to discover genetic connections. For example, those with the surname ‘Blair’ can use their DNA results to determine if they are related.

 Ancestry.co.uk’s DNA testing service is available at http:///dnaancestry.co.uk


5. Next month’s article. Supplied by John Lindley - One of our subscribers to this newsletter. "How I got started "

Why not send us an article for a future newsletter? email

* * *

That’s all for this month folks…I hope you enjoyed this months newsletter. See you next month.

Jim. Editor

PS. Please forward this newsletter to your friends/relatives, if they are interested in family history, with our compliments.

If this newsletter was forwarded from a friend/relative and you would like your own copy, you can sign up here: http://familyhistory4all.co.uk/newsletter.htm

To send us a comment or an article you can us here

 Jim Ackroyd. Address: 12 Avondale Road. Doncaster. UK. DN2 6DE

Take a look at our other web sites here: http://jamesackroyd.com

 PS. For our UK subscribers. If you like to have a flutter on the National Lottery, Use this link: http://playlottery.at/A1Shopping I buy my lotto tickets online as it’s much more convenient. (It is normal to find the site closed on Wednesday and Saturday evenings GMT. Just try the next day)

P.P.S. If you like quizzes - Take a look at our new quiz site: www.quiz4free.com Hope you like it.


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