Family History 4 AllLearn how to trace YOUR family tree.Newsletter No.8 – May 2007.
Family Tree Maker UK Edition 2006
Dear Subscriber, Welcome to our newsletter from http://familyhistory4all.co.uk If you prefer to read this 'online' then click here: http://familyhistory4all.co.uk/newsletter_no8_may_2007.htm Contents 1. Our welcome message. 2. Featured Article – Family Religion - Tracing Genealogy through Church Records. 3. Help wanted - Can you help Deanne find her grandfather? 4. Latest news from Ancestry 5. What’s new on our site? 6. Next month’s article. 1. Sorry your newsletter is late. My daughter and family have just spent a week with us, so I haven't had much spare time to spend on the web site. Normal service has now resumed! I hope this message finds you all in good health. This past month has see a massive increase in subscribers, so to all our new subscribers a big welcome and we hope you enjoy our newsletter. And to all our subscribers – if you have an article or amusing story to share with us then please don’t be afraid to send it for publication…you can remain anonymous if you prefer but we want you all to feel you can contribute if you want to. Just send an email with the words ‘Newsletter item’ in the subject box. And we will include it at the first opportunity, subject to editing, if necessary of course. Here's the link to the archives so you can refer to previous issues: http://familyhistory4all.co.uk/archive.htm (If any links in your newsletter fail to work, then please email me and I will send you the link again) 2. Family Religion - Tracing Genealogy through Church Records By: Paul Duxbury and Kevin Cook Using church records to trace
genealogical information is a great resource that is rapidly being
discovered by those who are tracing their family tree information. Your
church or the church that your family belonged to in the past may have
extensive records. Many do. Article Source: http://www.familyhistoryarticles.com About the Authors Paul Duxbury and Kevin Cook own www.amateur-genealogist.com and www.our-family-trees.co.uk two of the leading Genealogy Websites. In addition Paul owns a wide range of exciting websites which can be viewed at www.our-family-trees.co.uk 3. Help wanted - Can you help Deanne find her grandfather?
Note from editor:
If you can help Deanne in any way please send details to us here at Family
History 4 All and we will pass on your comments. Deanne is a member of
Latest News from
With all the recent media attention, the fact that this year commemorates the 200th anniversary since the passing of The Abolition of Slave Trade Act won’t have escaped too many Ancestry members. However, the recent launch of two significant Barbados record collection sets will enable you to gain a real insight into the lives and experiences of those living on the island, from the arrival of the first British Settlers to the islands in 1627 to the abolition of the slave trade some 200 years later. Explore the source images and records for the Slave
Registers of former British Colonial Dependencies,
To combat illicit transportation of slaves, following the passing of the Abolition of Slavery Act in 1807, many of the British Colonies began keeping registers of black slaves who had been so-called “lawfully enslaved”. This collection contains the slave registers from Barbados from 1812 to 1834. Information available in these records includes:
Take a look at the registers here.
Barbados Launch - Slave Registers
This database contains three volumes of Barbados church records (baptisms and marriages) as well as three volumes of probate records (wills and administrations). Approximately 200,000 individuals are referenced within these pre-eminent works on Barbados genealogical source records. 5. Family History For All – Website update. NEW! After signing up to our free newsletter, send your address and ask for our free '2008 Laminated Calendar!' This handy A4 sized calendar is completely free just for signing up to our free newsletter. Already signed up? don't worry you won't miss out, just send us your address so I can post it to you! Send your address by email or by ordinary mail, you'll find details here: http://familyhistory4all.co.uk/contact_us.htm Tell your friends! Note: you must be signed up to the newsletter to receive your free calendar - Time limited offer! Recently we added a few pages including ‘Ancestry.co.uk News & Offers’ and ‘Family History Events’. These are proving very popular. Our new guestbook was installed recently by popular request. So please sign our guestbook and add a few comments about the site/newsletter etc. or just say Hi! I've been working on a new site for the past month or so. If you would like to take a peek then click here: http://ackroydancestry.co.uk/ 6. Next month’s main article: Organizing Your Family History Records By Marina Garrison We hope you've enjoyed this months newsletter. If you have an idea for a future issue, please tell us and if possible we will include it. That’s all for this month folks…see you soon. Jim. Editor PS. Please forward this newsletter to your friends/relatives, if they are interested in family history, with our compliments. If this newsletter was forwarded from a friend/relative and you would like your own copy, you can sign up here: http://familyhistory4all.co.uk/newsletter.htm Email: publish2002ukATyahoo.co.uk Or: jimATfamilyhistory4all.co.uk Jim Ackroyd. Address: 12 Avondale Road. Doncaster. UK. DN2 6DE Take a look at our other web sites here: http://jamesackroyd.com PS. For our UK subscribers. If you like to have a flutter on the National Lottery, Use this link: http://playlottery.at/A1Shopping I buy my lotto tickets online as it’s much more convenient. (It is normal to find the site closed on Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Just try the next day)